Josh and I moved to our apartment-by-the-beach two weekends ago. Also I started maternity leave the day before the move (August 3rd) and ever since then I've been a whir of activity...tying up loose ends, shopping for baby goodies, unpacking and storing away, washing baby clothes and blankets....then ironing them...
Ahhh nesting has begun...yes I admit it now.
I haven't really had a chance to practice my 'productive relaxation' that I was planning on doing before the in-laws and baby arrive. I wanted to:
* Work on editing alllll my photos I have stored on this computer, from Europe and other photography sprees I've partaken.
* Learn how to use Photoshop fact, become quite excellent at it ;) (instead of my amatuerish attempts at editing and just getting by).
* Read all those REALLY great books that have accumulated in our bookshelf (oh there's SO many that deserve my attention).
* Think about something resembling birth preferences. You know, think of what things I can do to cope with the pain etc. Oh add to this, finish reading 'Birth Skills' by JuJu Sundin.
* Take some self-portrait-preggy-shots (and I'm not talking about the snapshots I've shot quickly in the mirror to email the belly-progress to everyone. I'm talkin' ARTY-FARTY, godammnit. Or something like it....
* Swim, take a yoga class or two....walk along the beach every day...
Ha, yep done NONE of the above yet....not for lack of want. This nesting/daily to-do task list has kinda taken OVER! Sigh.
Spent about 3.5 hours today ironing baby cot sheets, blankets, clothes etc and killed my back but at least I got to do it in front of Oprah and she's always good to iron to. Copped a nifty lil iron burn too...gotta love those ;)
Then, I called it a day at 4:30pm and wandered up to the shops, in search of a good hot chocolate...not thinking anyone around here would make my latest addiction: thick, hot Italian hot chocolate...oh mmmm.
But, I found a cafe in Pier Street, a 3 minute walk from our apartment, that makes it!!! I don't have to go all the way into the city now just to satisfy my craving!!! Have mercccyyyy, I'm gonna be a fatty-boomba after this baby is born haha.
I walked back home along the beach esplanade, breathing in the fresh sea air and watching the sky slowly darken, it's colors akin to Neopolitan ice cream and felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Here I am, on the eve of our first baby being born, living virtually across the road from the ocean, spending my days living in this beautiful place, in this beautiful country...and I have the most amazing man in the world by my side, have his love...and will get to marry him around this time next year. I have my family and their health....there's too many blessings to list and I'm probably sounding sickenly mushy but I don't care.
I have everything I could ever want in this world right now.