Seek ....what the heart craves
what dreams reveal
Find .... what matters
Face ....what lingers
Hold close , always, everyone and everything I love.
Embrace...what fuels my soul.
Whatever warms my spirit.
and lightens my heart ...
whatever helps me
to realise my dreams
to preserve my beautiful memories...
and create new ,amazing ones....
This is what I'm wishing for
with all my heart ...
thats what i wish for
for my birthday ...and for always ......
Portishead is playing on my stereo and my white 'Peace' candles , bought from a tiny shop in New Orleans , are lit and sit on my windowsill. Beyond their flickering flames lies the Melbourne city skyline and the rooftops of North Fitzroy.
And tonight is the last night of my 20's.
How time flies by SO quickly ... I think I must've blinked for a minute because I could've SWORN I was just celebrating my 21st birthday *wink*.
There are many things I thought I would have acomplished by now.
I thought I would've been married , with kids , white picket fence yada yada yada.
And nope , no wedding band around the finger , no kids running around screaming " MUM 'insert-name-here' hit meeeeeeee ! ".
Came oh-so-close but I walked away from it all. Whilst the heart hurt to do it , because some dreams die screaming , I knew happiness was in a different direction.
Sometimes it takes more courage to walk away ....then it does to stay.
And...Its all good amigos *big grin *.
Becausssssssse there are things I've done that I only dreamed of doing but never seriously believed I would !
I danced a hazy summer afternoon away and drank bourbon in a bar on Bourbon Street , New Orleans ....
I caught a show on Broadway and sat in a horse-drawn carriage afterwards and watched New York City pass by , at night.
Followed by sitting with a darling friend in the middle of Times Square.
Both of us , drinking bad coffee out of styrofoam cups , sat calmly , in the middle of noise and haste and traffic and lights and people...
Held my most cherished beautiful nephews in my arms and sweetly drowned in their baby gurgles , their smiles and my absolute love for them.
Made so many damn mistakes it aint funny but I've learnt twice as many lessons.
I've fallen deeply & hopelessly in love and had my heart broken oh so badly....
Fallen in love and broken their heart oh so sadly....
And then fallen in love again :)
Yep , I'm a little sad to be sayin goodbye to my 20's ....
But I'm thinkin my 30's are gonna be amazin' & even BETTER ....
So Viva la 30 !
P.S I already received my very first pressie for my 30th birthday !
A gorgeous Canuk sent this picture to me.
It was taken by an Australian photographer , Peter Jarver.
J .... that you bought & sent me this particular gift , based on my love for photography , makes my heart smile.
I have it perched right in front of me as I type.
* Smooch *.