Shes smiling & calmly waiting for him to make his exit so that she can gently envelope her freezing cold children of Melbourne into her arms and carress us with her warm honeysuckle scented breath.
Spanish class last night. Lesson # [show-off] diecisiete ( 17 ) [/show-off]
I'm loving learning a different language. It feels as if I'm being given all the passwords to a secret society *silly grin*.
I never knew this but Spanish is considered a 'Romance' language , along with Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian.
Its not that I didnt know that Spanish is included in this language category...its that I didnt know that there was a 'Romance' category.....
I am blushing too much lately. Over nothing!
I have always been a blusher and I copped heaps of good natured teasin over it growing up.
Then I grew outta teenagehood and thought I'd gotten over it !
Uhhh no.
Example : I walked to the supermarket with a classmate , after we finished Spanish , last night. He had to do grocery shopping and I had to pick up photos so we figured we'd walk together. Got to said supermarket and we faltered in our conversation because I had to go upstairs to the photo developer... hence we had to go our seperate ways.
Silliest thing to happen , for no reason ....I blushed.
I have no idea WHY coz I wasnt embarrased.I felt the usual heat in the cheeks and prickly sensation in my skin and thought " OH dear GAWD , here we go ...."
THATS where the true embarrassment starts because I know the other person can see my blush. So my face goes even REDDER til its like beetroot red. And all I wanna do at that moment is HIDE til it goes away !
Its only been happening again over the last 3 months or so.I'm not exactly a shy person so it aint related to anything like that either.
Anyway heres a pic I took a few weeks ago , sitting on my bedroom floor. Had no tripod at the time so I had to place the camera on my ol 'glorybox' and scrunch down.
Yes ,I'm doing a wierd thing with my hand in that shot. Some people see a camera pointing at them and pull a silly face. I either smooch to the camera ( see mama-love post pic ) or I pose my hands in some strange way *wink*.
Maybe its the photography version of 'Hand Shadows on Wall'?
1 comment:
LOL Nikki !!! I've only seen the first pic on that site and I'm laughing already babe !
Cody was singin 'hallelujah'...?!
Where the hell did he get pick that one up !? LOL !
*Sends Kara some arm floaties so she can swim here for summer * :D
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