I gotta open this by saying that if there ever will be the taste of heaven on my tongue it would be what is melting in my mouth right now ; Guylian Praline.
Its an oral orgasm of the non-sexual kind ! *wink* lol....
Oh Oh yummmmmmmmmmmmmm !!
Had a scare this week. My dad has been very sick for the most part of this year....he's been admitted into hospital countless times in the past 10 months.
He was rushed into hospital again on Thursday , straight into intensive care where docs struggled to get his blood pressure down to a reasonable level.His blood pressure is constantly at a high level ....so much so that his body has somehow adapted to it. Docs cant understand how he is still around....
He was only going in for a routine check up at his regular docs , in order to get a doctors certificate , when his doc checked his blood pressure and found it to be 227 over 149.
Off to the hospital with you , daddio ...( much to his agitation ).
He's on the mend tho.....now I'm hoping he starts doing something to turn his health around on a day to day basis.
One of the wonderful photo forum members posted this pic for my dad ....
" as a heartwarmer for him .....".
Thank you Jadin :)....
Actually thank you to everyone at the forum that sent out their thoughts and well wishes for my dad *hug*.
I adore this shot !
P.S Ohhhh I just remembered ....its so apt that chocolate is in this entry title.... as 'Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory ' is on tv tonight , followed by the movie 'Chocolat'.
WW&TCF was one of my fave movies , growing up. I used to fantasize about finding a chocolate factory justtttt like that one and running amok licking and eating anything that took my fancy lol
( gutter-minded people step to the back of the line please :P ).
I must have chocolate on the brain tonight... I know its no longer in my mouth :(
( I gobbled it allllll up , piggy me ).
1 comment:
Thank you honey *smooch*
For someone that I havent ever met in person yet ... you're already a great friend babe ! :X
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