Schapelle Corby was found guilty of drug smuggling, in a GROSS case of injustice, in a bali court yesterday.
You wanna know my gut instinct on this woman and this case ?
She was a young woman ,flying out to Bali, who got the surprise of her life when Indonesian security opened up her surfboard case and pulled out marijuana. She, most likely, reacted how I, my sisters or any of my friends would react which was :
This is a mistake and it will all be sorted out soon. Someone planted this on me and it wont be long until my innocence is established and I can go home.
Right after the dope was found, her demeanour seemed to speak that reaction in volumes.
My mum felt gutted watching this unfold because she saw her daughters in this woman. Knowing that she could have so easily been me, travelling on my own to different places and being vulnerable to bastards planting something in my suitcase. She spoke of how she would feel as a mother, KNOWING her daughter could not and would not do something like this and TRYING to make the public understand that she is not just talking as a biased mum ...but as a mother who KNOWS, more then anything she's ever known, that her kid is innocent. And wanting, needing nothing more then to shout angrily in the Indonesian authority's face and take her baby home.
There have been some that have said that an airport worker ( possibly someone in Australian Customs ) is responsible. The thought of someone on the 'inside' of airport customs taking advantage of their position and working in conjunction with a contact in Indonesian ( and other countries )customs does not surprise me.
I wonder how many unsuspecting travellers have had drugs stashed in their luggage by someone at an opportune moment before the luggage gets stored on the plane and removed by someone in customs at the other end, only to pick up their luggage at the carousel none the wiser ? The surfboard case that Schapelle had must have been a cinch to get into.
Pretty smart way to get this shit from one country to the next with not much risk to a few shifty customs employees involved making money doing this eh ?
The drugs enter another country and 'disappear and they make their money. If the drugs are found, by law-abiding airport staff, then the person who owns the luggage lands in the shit...not them.
Some cowardly piece of shit ( or more then one ) is sitting comfortably at home right now letting an innocent woman take a massive fall on his/their behalf.
I cried as i watched the verdict! (i was watching it live) i am so devestated and furious on her behalf, we all know what a mockery of justice this is.
Howard released a statement saying that "we should accept the Indonesians verdict and trust in their court system.
Lmmfao i wonder what he would have said if it was one of his own in that situation.
It did not suit Howard to help Schapelle at this current moment, so he didnt! thank god this idiot is not in charge of our country!!! oh shit wait a minute he is in charge of our country, God help us!
Yeah I know how ya feel.
Why'd ya think I bloody moved to Canuckia ! Lol.
John Howard = Elmer Fudd.
Betty Boop for new Prime Ministeress !
Seriously though, I wanted to cry seeing her mum's reaction and watching them hug. I imagine what it would be like to be in her shoes and have to hug and kiss you, Kristy, mum or the boys g'bye and it makes me want to cry.
( Ok well I DID have to kiss you all g'bye but I'm coming back ! )
Btw... I just looked out my loungeroom window and at the tree that stands in front of it ( about 2 metres away from where I'm sitting) and a squirell just climbed down and started meandering around on the ground thats level with the window.
Lucy is sitting at the window and $ 100 says she's thinkin " Mmmmm lunchhhhh ..."
Give my kisses and cuddles to yourself and the cherubs ( yes I actually want you to hug and kiss yourself too ).
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