Feelin better about everything today, maybe because I got up when it was still morning ( 10 am ) and got out and did a few things.
I asked the guys at The Photo Forum, a few days after the Katrina distaster, if they'd be interested in having a print auction to raise funds for the Katrina Aid Fund. They thought it was a great idea and Kara set about organising it.
Members offer a print of their own up for auction. If your interested in purchasing a print or two off these talented ppl Clicky For Auction
If you want to help Katrina victims and New Orleans get back on their feet, purchase a print ! The proceeds are all going to this worthy cause.
Some new shots of New Orleans are in my flickr gallery ( flickr gallery name: Luminosity)
More of my New Orleans piccies
Here's a couple of shots.....
Toodles !
Ok I only JUST posted this entry and two seconds later I got SPAM !
But ohhhh hahaha, I just realized that I can delete that crap.
Spammers consider yourself binned *satisfied grin*
Which next useless-meat-in-a-can wants to go next ?
Me meeeee i want to go next!!!
From a spammer.
Puts my hand up really high and says "Me meeee, I want to go next!!!"
Ahhh but you're not REAL spammers....you're not selling useless crap.
Go back to spamming school at once!
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