Some people yearn for weightlessness, to float and be free. What would uncertainty weigh?
It feels weightless, like an astronaut in space without an anchor. Yet, the feeling that accompanies this weightlessness feels heavy, for uncertainty brings worry.
Since Josh and I left Toronto, we've been floating in space. We arrived in Melbourne with no absolutes. Nothing that was certain. We had no home of our own, staying with my mum and stepdad in Seymour. We had no jobs. We had no idea of how to climb the brick walls that were thrown in front of us because of Josh's working holiday maker visa. He couldnt work in his own profession because of the fact that he isnt an Australian Resident. He couldnt work for any one employer for longer then 3 months. We had no idea of where we were gonna live, where we were gonna work, how we were going to come up with money to live and also pay off our very large debt we have between us. We didnt know how hard or long the road of immigration was in front of us.....
Well, we've been here 3 months now. We found an apartment in Yarraville. We found jobs through a temp agency. My job assignment ends this Friday, Josh has 6 weeks to go with his current, casual job. We hired a wedding planner and booked the venue in Hawaii, booked the photographer, had our wedding rings made.
I applied to The Flight Centre's ad for travel consultants that they have said they are willing to train. They sent me a generic email back thanking me for my application but "unfortunately I wasnt successful". I refused to give up after only one rejection, as I really want to work in the travel industry.
So I applied again.
They emailed me and said they were seriously considering my application and will get back to me. Whoa, I made a baby step!
Then they emailed me and said "thank you for your application but unfortunately you werent successful".
The only thing I can do is call Flight Centre's head office in Brisbane and ask to speak to someone that might know why my application keeps being rejected. Some feedback would be wonderful, instead of a 'you're not good enough for us' sorta email.
We both have NO idea if either one of us is going to get a permanent, full time, decent paying, job soon. I am applying for jobs but no progress has been made so far and I don't know where the next paycheck is coming from, to make rent, bills (for the both of us) and debt repayments. Let alone, how we're going to pay for the wedding, hefty immigration related costs, and other incidentals....
Forgive the whiny-tone of this entry. I'm feeling disheartened and a little nervous/scared right now.
Uncertainty isnt necessarily a bad thing, it can bump one out of their comfort zone and into action, new experiences, growing as a person etc.
When you're free falling and looking at the ground below....all you can think about is hitting it.
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