12 week ultrasound...
Chillin and just hangin around in the comfort of a Corn Pop's own womb...
Sucking his/her thumb
Fairy Fingers that like to tickle my belly from within...
I'm 17 weeks pregnant now and showing quite the baby bump already. The wedding has been postponed to May 2008, instead of May 2007 (damn and we would have had only a couple of months left to go until we were married this year!).
I've had a good run so far with the pregnancy! I got minimal morning sickness...I'd basically feel a little nauseous at different little points during the day/night but it felt like really mild car sickness. I changed my eating habits so that I had breakfast, a small morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack and dinner and so on, so I think the regular eating (thus keeping my blood sugars up and level) helped, as well as being blessed with good genes (my mum got off lightly in regards to morning sickness too when she was pregnant).
Was this pregnancy an 'oops'. Yeah. We're running with it though. Was it an ideal time? Is it ever an ideal time to jump in the deep end and have children? I don't think it ever really is. Thing is, we wanted kids within the next couple of years after the wedding anyway. This little one just decided to make his or her entrance a little earlier than expected.
So, wedding is postponed, I've given up smoking (Josh and I both quit when we found out about our bubby in tow), haven't touched a drop of alcohol or caffeine for the past few months, eat healthier then I've eaten in my entire LIFE, drink the recommended 2 litres of water a day and sleep more then I've EVER slept!
No wonder people say I look radiant! Forget about the hormones that create 'that pregnancy glow', my body is radiating healthy shock!
Josh and I are hammering away at our debts and paying stuff off in alarming amounts! I think this Corn Pop growing inside of me is forcing us to grow into ADULTS! Well, ME at least anyway, Josh was always more responsible and adult then I was... Lol.
So, that's our news. In the first few weeks of December, we went from finally ending the visa/immigration saga and securing a visa for Josh to stay and work in the country, a cancer scare...we had one whole week where we were allowed to inhale and exhale for the first time in a year...THEN....
......those two little ominous thin blue lines appear on the stick......
Hold on tight, we're off again...!
Congrats! What an exciting time.
Thanks Lindsey! 'Tis indeed an exciting time!
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