Heres a couple of pics I took a few weeks back....( the ones I wrote about taking in my 'Breaking News 'entry )
Unlike most people these days I'm a film girl and the 'fruits of my labour' take time to surface on the net ... which might not be a bad thing....
Would love to learn as much about photography as I can absorb and one day have my own house ( near water ) with my own lil darkroom .....have a couple of good ,trusty film cameras and a D70 or better , all different types of lens ,a good neg/print scanner , ... just be allll set up. *Sigh*
Hey while I'm dreamin away I may as well put my whole order in LOL !
After spending a few years travelling around the world , taming the travel bug by roadtripping around the States and Europe , taking hundreds of photos and filling up journal after journal with my many many adventures , I buy an airy and funky lil place close to the ocean. This place is in a spot in the world where it is warm most of the year round. Then , me and the luuurrrrve of my life will spend many hazy afternoons renovating our shnazzy lil beachside house , filling it with our lil treasures bought in far-away-worldly places and making it into our own little haven.
It will have a big , deep luxurious bath in its spacious zen-like bathroom , which in itself will be surrounded by floor to ceiling windows looking over a calm lil japanese garden with trickling water features etc etc etc ( am I gettin carried away yet ? What can I say .. I'm a girl who likes her pampering bathtime .....haha ).
Oh and this place has to have a big outdoor entertaining area with a biggg BBQ and a few hammocks hangin around....
Then , who knows , get married maybe ... spend my days writing and photographing things ( make either into a career ? ) , have cute lil button-nosed , sunkissed bambinos and a couple of dogs , cats , whathaveya....
Got that waiter ? Dont mess that order up now ....
Heh , yeah I'm goofin off. My lil dreamland is quite standard stuff really *wink*.
Anyhoo heres some pics ... sorry they're big. I need to set up somewhere to store all my photos.
Heaven In A Window
Where To Now ?
Howdy Tootsies
Lookin Out My Bedroom Window
Happy , happy birthday to you , my crazy-gorgeous , funny , wonderful J-Man , for Wednesday ( 22nd Sept ) !!
I know I said Hippo Birdy to ya a hundred times that day , but I gotta say it here too , lol ! I hope you had a truly fabulous day and I'll see ya soon kiddo !
Ya need to at least come back so my cheeks can start hurtin again from smilin and laughin *wink*.
I love the 'Where to now?' shot, it's exactly how I'm feeling at the moment. Life's changing all the time, sometimes a little to fast for my taste, but what can you do? Your blog certainly is a soul juice, thanks!
Haha chicadee .... yep I'm 'fraid we're crazay already *wink*.... aint nuffin wrong with that at alllllll.
And yes I think we need to be neighbours and spend our old age boppin around to musak and developing prints in our secret lab muahahahaha *chuckle*
Daniel , know the feelin , senor ;).
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