The house the flower-tree fronted was a pink , spanish sort of villa house.
The old soul that owned the house was out and about that day and he noticed me taking a photograph of his flower-tree.
" I hope you dont mind " I said , smiling at him " I like your tree......."
He smiled and motioned for me to stay put and started calling for his wife. At first I thought he was calling " Tinnnnnnaaaa " but I realized his wife's name was Lina or something similar sounding....
Old soul and wife emerge , wife is clutching a little red camera of her own.
" Oh ..." I realize "... they think I'm some professional photographer or somethin ? "
* Oh chuckle chuckle *.
Wife smilingly gives camera to me and their eyes ask if I can take a photograph of them. I feel honoured to...
However I look through their viewfinder and think " Oh yucko , they look a million miles away " ....
I'm totally thrown by the difference between their little digital viewfinder and my minolta , which views everything exactly as is , true to size.
They stand proudly by their flower tree ... showing it off with grand hand poses but yozwer , they look like little munchkins in this viewfinder lol.
They stand a distance away from each other. Prouder of their tree then their marriage/love. At the risk of generalising a culture , this is what I've come to learn from the limited experience I've had with older europeans; they show more affection towards their gardens then their relationships.
I snap off a couple of photos and take one from my own camera for good measure and I promise them that I will give them a copy of their photo from my film.
Happy nods and its sayonara.
Its been two weeks since then and today I thought I'd keep good on my promise.
After work , I went home , put their picture in an envelope and went in search of their home again. Located it and dropped it in their letterbox.
I hope they like their picture :).....
Oh and heres the pic I took of their tree ... it needs to be in color because the flowers were a pretty light pink and the sky was a brilliant blue but I had the b&w Ilford film in my camera that day *shrugs*.
I'll just have to wait for a similar blue-skyed kinda day and go back and retake the photo I guess *wink*.
Cool babe ! I'll go and have a look at it after I get back from my lunchbreak !
I have to install photoshop and learn how to use it. I'ma PS Virgin *chuckle*
That's a lovely pic and a nice story. You should try hand coloring the photo to get the color back. It would be gorgeous me thinks.
You worked wonders when ya played around with my pic Kara !
And thank ya Mindy hon , I was saying to Kara before that I want to hand color the flowers at least , to the light pink they were.....
Now if only I can do it subtly enough in PS lol.Gonna install it this weekend ....
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