" I love you " ...
Which I finally got to tell you for the first time , in your arms and to your face , on the 4th December * smile *
Yeahhhhh for mushy posts !
Heres a pic of him ( on the far right ) in England with two mates ....
Just an excuse for me to look at his mugshot again , get used to seein pics of him *grin*
I displayed this photograph below ( by Philip Greenwood
) that I love , a few weeks ago , on here.
J and I went to the Sunday market at St Kilda the day after he arrived and he bought it for me !!
So I now own it !
I bought him a print from Philip too .... he chose one he liked , of a clifftop in Mt Buffalo in Victoria.
My babe also bought me this solid silver bangle at the market that day...
Heres my Xmas present from him .....
Which he gave to me on 'Tina Day ' ( Monday 6th Dec - mark that in your calender *chuckle* ).
He had planned to buy it long before he got here and bought it while he was in Boston for his brothers wedding.
He was teasing me with a couple of hints , as to what it was , leading up to his arrival.
Its a necklace from Tiffany's called 'The Eternal Circle ' and I adore it !
I wore it out to dinner that night and pretty much havent taken it off since :)
I bought him a few things at the market too ... lol , it became a pressie game of Tag.
He'd buy me something ... we'd walk along the market further and he'd spot something HE liked ...so I'd buy that for him and so on ...
I bought him a ring too ... as a chrissy present.
Its sterling silver and the words " Love Conquers All " are engraved around it in Latin.
I got it engraved on the inside with my own personal message. It is too big for his ring finger *sad look * but the next size down that was available just barely fit on his pinky finger.
So I bought him a silver chain and he wears it around his neck.
Only one other jeweller sells this ring in the world ( and they're in the UK )besides the jeweller I bought it from ...Apparently a museum in the UK has the original.So this ring I bought him is a replica of that.
I have written down , in my 'pen and paper ' journal , everything about that day and night .... told a couple of ppl close to me all about it ...but for the first time , I feel its one of those things that I really dont wanna share with everyone because it was so special and for us ( I know that might not make sense ... ).
Just ...the dinner and everything that happened afterwards is something for his and my memories , moreso.
But , hey , if we end up havin kids one day we can tell them *grin *...
I know that it was one of the most beautiful evenings of my life so far and this man made me feel absolutely amazing ( he is absolutely amazing ) ...
Will say that we danced for the first time together that night and it was the best dance I've ever had :)
May there be many more dances with each other *wink*
There will be many more dances just move here already so we can!!!!! sheeeesh there's no maybe there's just when *wink*
Lmao Nikki !
*Finds a cyber bush so I can maketh outeth with him *
Oh and hon .. i'm gettin there as fast as I can ... its just slowin me down swimming and typin at the same time
*Sheeeeshes you * ! :P
Merry Xmas back atcha chicadee and chicadee's D ! *Smooch*
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