Well its Xmas Eve ( 12:41 am ) as I type this and after I'm done with work later today ( 5 pm ) I am venturing back up to country Victoria , Seymour.
It got to around 36 degrees celcius today ( ok , well yesterday now ) and right now its a balmy 28 C .... after wrapping presents I went out onto my courtyard and it was absolutely gorgeous outside !
Ppl on the other side of the globe have commented before that it would be weird having a hot Xmas but I think theres nothin better !
Of course , that is because I have grown up experiencing hot summer Xmas days ....
Where everyone spends most of the day outside ( unless they're inside eating Xmas lunch ) wearin barely any clothin , sunscreen etc .
When I was growin up I ( along with most Aussie kids ) would just run around in bathers and spend the day running under the lawn sprinkler , gigglin our heads off , or in a pool ( our own or someone elses ) doing ' bombs ' from the edge of the pool , handstands underwater or floatin around in tyre tubes , in amongst playing with our new toys courtesy of 'Santa' *wink *.
Just a bunch of cheeky , bronzed-skinned rugrats !
Its daylight savings at this time of year so the night finally descends around 9:30 pm .... which meant extra playin time ..always a good thang ....*grin*.
Someone asked ( on the photoforum ) , the other day , when we each stopped believing in Santa and my immediant thought was :
'When I saw dad leaving a bong , a full bowl of 'mix' and 'cookies' out for Santa on Xmas Eve , instead of the regular milk & cookies'...
Thats when the gist was up , ppl .... coz my 9 year old brain realized that , nowhere did it say that Santa was a stoner ....
Goin to spend Xmas Eve & Xmas Day with my mum , stepdad , two sisters and nephews.
Cody is sick and has been for the past ( almost ) two weeks :( ....
So I hope the gorgeous lil man is feelin somewhat better in time to soak up Xmas Day and enjoy Santa's pressies and everything good and kidlike for the day.
The poor darlin' has been sick almost every Xmas he's had so far ( three outta the 4 ) so I'm realllllly hoping he sparks up and is feelin good by the time the day arrives.
Its just been bad luck & timing that he catches a bug or whathaveyou around this time the 3 Xmas's outta the 4.
Kisses baby boy , see ya tonight , ya better give me cuddles and help us put out cookies and milk ( yes , the regular kind ) for Santa !
And its gonna be Zanes first Xmas ! Kisses and cuddles to you too , you happy , gorgeous lil cherub !
Alan , an Irish lad that was workin at the company I work for , rang me at work yesterday ( Thursday ) to wish me a merry xmas. He's been gone from our company for a week now as he left for another job closer to his home. He didnt have a great experience with my bosses ( surprissssssse ) but he and I got along like a house on fire so I was happy that he hadnt forgotten me and called to chat and send good wishes !
At the end of the convo he said " Mind yerself darlin ! "
I was like " Huh ? .... Do ya mean ' Take care of yourself '" ?
He chuckled and said in his thick irish accent " Yeah thats what I meant , only in Irish ... dont worry , I'll teach ya yet .... ! "
I made him promise not to lose touch and he's gonna call back again next week to get my home ph. number etc.
He and his wife are throwin a BBQ at their place in the New Year ... as a housewarming party .. he's invited me to that ....so we're all gonna be catching up then.
Ya know when ya meet ppl and know instantenously that they're gonna be amazing friends in your lifetime ... Alan is one of those ppl to me.
I really feel blessed that I have been surrounded by so many good , amazing ppl in my life.
Then I have met so many good ppl that have become friends in the past year or so ....
Thennnnn ... well I met my babe ... ( refrains , for the moment , from the mush-avalanche , its evident how I feel there ).....*wink*
Growing up in the environment that I did ( of the criminal-underground element , but wont go into it here ....) I encountered many , many potentially damaging and dangerous ppl , in our home and elsewhere....
Thankfully , though , my sisters and myself were kept close to the good ppl ( my mother and nana to name two ppl ) and were protected from it to a great degree.
I wont be back until the Monday after Xmas ( most likely , if my mum doesnt kidnap me the entire time I have off work lol ).
Sooooo I wanna take this time to wish you all an utterly happy and safe Merry Xmas !
May ya all get good pressies , eat & drink until ya fit to burst and generally have a relaxing day with the people ya love !
Most importantly , may you all remember just how good ya really do have it in life.
J , honey I shall talk to you today hopefully and on Xmas Day ( well , Xmas day on my side of the planet lol ) ....
Just know that I wish we could spend it together in person ....buttttt next year I'll be there :D ...
Hopefully it'll be a white xmas coz I've never experienced a cold , snowy Xmas .... never even had eggnog before so that's def gotta be in there somewhere next year too , lol !!
Oh and our apartment is gonna have mistletoe hanging everywherrrrrrrre ... like we need any excuses but hey ...* evil grin *
Sayonara good ppl , for now !
Love - T xxxooo
hope ya had merry chrissy full o' grog & lovin dear :)
I did indeed darlin ....
and to YOU ...I hope your Chrissy went marvellous and that you had an awesome 30th !!
Happy Early New Year to ya too !
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