A slightly scary incident , healthwise , occurred about two hours ago.
I posted this on TPF, so I'll just copy and paste from that.
I almost passed out at the bloody supermarket !!
I got back home grateful that I managed the walk back.
I was standin flickin through magazines when I started to feel lightheaded and began to have trouble breathing.
So I joined the checkout queue ( behind a guy who had a packed trolley load of groceries ) and it just got worse.
I put my bag down and gripped the ledge and concentrated on breathing but every breath I took just felt hopeless : felt like the oxygen just wasnt reaching my lungs.
All it seemed to do was enter my mouth before blowing back out instaneously.
All accompanied with a 'nice' cold sweat , as a garnish.
My vision started blurring and the room started spinning increasingly faster and I silently willed/pleaded that the checkout chick hurry with the guy in front of me because I was struggling hard to hold onto consiousness and felt like I was gonna lose it any second.
Finally she got to me , as I continued to grip the counter to stop from swaying.
She musta thought " Geeze , another druggie " LOL !
Somehow , miraculously , I didnt pass out and made it outside into the fresh air , where I sat on the curb beside the road and put my head between my knees.
After about half an hour two very nice ppl stopped , out of concern , and asked me if I wanted water etc ...but by that time I was feelin better.
Blame myself for the incident though.
Reason being , I gave up smokin almost two years ago and basically lead a healthy lifestyle ; dont smoke , healthy diet , dont drink a lot of alcohol and I was working out regularly.
Alas in the last two weeks , over Xmas/New Years , I have been smokin and drinkin , and not keeping my fitness routine up at all.
When J was here I pinched a few ciggarettes , here and there , from him thinkin
" I'll be right , its only a couple , I wont take it up again ".
Uh no .... silly me went and bought a couple of packets over the holidays. And I only have myself to blame for that.
I had already resolved to go back to no-smokin tomorrow so this happening today has made this resolve stronger....
My body served me a nice little reminder eh ...eek !
My lungs are definately hurting already , so I feel the difference , physically , between the states of smoking vs no smoking.
One of the members from TPF , after voicing his concern , joked that he wouldnt have bothered going to the check-out. That he would rather pass out and cause a scene lol.
My reply : Passing out woulda been embarrassing LOL !
" Oh there goes the girl who passes out in supermarkets. The least she can do is pass out somewhere classier ! Such a commoner "
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