So I dont like my new hairdresser right now ...
(I posted this on the Lypton Village Forum
so just copying and pasting...)
I think my hairdresser is deaf, in fact.
I like blonde.
I like blonde hair on me.
I know my hair is damaged and thirsting for moisture but my hairdresser back home always was able to make me blonde, as long as I promised to hit it with lots of protein treatments afterwards ( and yeah I tended to be a bit slack with actually doing that)
My hair had some green tinges through it ( thats never happened before and, no, I havent been swimming ).
I said I wouldnt mind going a LITTLE darker blonde , if I HAD to, as long as it was BLONDE.
MY hairdresser was on her own agenda. Now I'm brunette.
It looks a fair bit lighter in these pics then it actually is. Maybe some ppl will say " Oh but it suits you ..." etc but I like what I like and brown isnt it. Also, considering the fact that its a freshly colored look, this is only going to become a very boring dull color when it starts to fade etc. AND when I have to go back to my curly style ( my hair was straightened today after the color ).
I'll have to go back tomorrow and ask for them to lighten it and I hate doin that, I feel embarressed and as if I'm pissin em off. They're gonna go on about how my hair is so pourous and damaged blahdy blah blah but *sigh*......
I was on the verge of tears on the way home, kept glancing into shop windows to look at my new brunette 'do.
Here it actually 'looks' blonde ...only looks that way because of the lighting in the apt but THIS I would've been ok with. It's a lot darker in reality.
I know you like blonde i do i do i do but despite that your new colour suits you better and makes your face look even prettier them the blonde (not saying your not pretty lol) it just obviously must suit your colouring and bring your eyes out better i have always thought darker hair suits you.
I gotta go now but i will be back to write more lol.
Please dont change it, it really looks great (hey for some reason i thought of Angelina Jolie)
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lmao at the fly by spammer, didnt realize that happened in blogs.
Wow yet another great advertising opportunity!
Ryan also said he thinks it looks really good and Zane said "ahhhhh ahhhh ahhh ook ook" i think he likes it too lol.
Cody wanted to know why you were on the train years ago? 'shrugs' i dont know what he was on about lol.
Spammers are the cyberworlds answer to pubic lice.
Thanks for the compliments on my follicles. Now that I'm over the 'shock' of seeing dark hair on my head again, I think I might stick with it for a little while.
Tell Cody I was on the train years ago coz it's the coolest way to go anywhere.
Have train ticket, will travel.
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