Sunday, July 24, 2005

100 Things.

Feeling creative, wanting to write. Decided to just keep these creative juices flowing into something, well, substantially creative by just keeping the fingers moving.

A'la lil exercise doing just that. The tv is on so I'm not in ideal writer-modeness.
At least, not the mode needed to come up with an orginal story concept.

100 things I like/love.

1. The smell of fresh bread drifting from a bakery first thing in the morning.

2. The first scent of Spring.

3. Laughing until the tears roll and the belly hurts.

4. Cute kids sitting in prams ( strollers ).

5. Weekends where I dont have to go or be anywhere.

6. Movie nights.

7. Watching an inspiring movie.

8. Listening to a great song/album.

9. Watching and hearing a baby giggle.

10. Watching Josh shave in the shower.

11. Kissing Josh.

12. Ok well, anything Josh in general.

13. Long, luxurious massages.

14. Tulips. Any color.

15. Lillies of any kind.

16. Listening to someone speaking spanish.

17. Photography. Particularly black and white.

18. Drooling over SLR's ( Nikon D70, commmmme to mama )

19. That endorphin rush after exercise ( not that I do any these days blah ).

20. Most documentaries.

21. Reading National Geographic.

22. Smell of freshly brewed coffee.

23. Kahlua.

24. Baileys.

25. Shooting a good photo and looking at it and thinkin " Oohhh, I captured that ?! Maybe I have some knack for this ...."

26. Talking to my nephews. Being called a Do-Do Head by Wise, Elder Nephew( pronounced doe-doe ).

27. Kisses on the back of my neck from the J-Man ( he planted a few on me just now and I remembered how much I love em haha ).

28. Long, stimulating, great conversations about anything.

29. Stroking Lucy's fur and chatting to her after a long day at work.

30. Feeling optimistic that I can, one day, stop wasting my days stuck in a mind-numbingly boring office ( or any job I have zero passion for ).

God that job is BORING. Ditto the office-talk that comes with it. I would easily spend my day just doing my job and not have to participate in the, mostly gossipy, chatter but then it would just seem that I'm rude and snobby.

( Josh was just on the computer and added things to my list such as having wild monkey sex with him etc but my sisters, who read this blog, dont need that visual so I think I'll leave those ones out, ahem ).

Sorry Nikki, you've still got that visual huh. Think of dolphins or somethin to anihilate the thought.

31. Reading a great story with an original plot.
Cookie cutter stories with cookie-cutter dialogue, characters and ending cause my mind to lie back and think of England, cursing me for subjecting it to yet another wham-bam-thank-you-mam story equivalent to Leisure-Suit Larry.

32. The sweet scent of summer rain after a bout of hot,humid days.

33. Margahritas ( I swear I'm not alcoholic ).

34. Dreams of travelling to places such as Tuscany, Rome, Greek Islands, Spain, St Petersburg, Africa ....list goes onnnnnnn.

35. Dreaming of owning a house of ocean views in Italy or any beautiful place thats warm all year round and spending my days writing and taking photos.

36. Daydreams in general.

37. The taste of a rich, chocolately milk rolling over my tongue. ( lately it's been Rolo flavoured milk ).

38. Being overcome by a frenzy of creativity.

39. Warm, soft sunlight on my bare skin.

40. Animals.

41. Dolphins and whales. Learning about them.

42. Not having the tv on.

43. Walking around discovering a new city.

44. Falling into bed feeling exhausted, after a productive day, and knowing I can sleep in the next morning.

45. Expanding on # 38, not being able, or wanting, to stop once the creative juices are flowing.

46. Hearing about people saving/caring for animals.

47. Sitting on a lookout over a city and gazing upon the city lights, watching lightening in the distance.

48. Being safely indoors and listening to and watching a thunderstorm.

49. Coming home, taking a hot shower and getting into soft, warm flannelette pj's and fluffy slippers in the cold of winter.

50. (When I am that way ) being fit.

51. Gazing out the car window out into the dark night on long drives when I was a kid. Or resting my head against a pillow and falling asleep during these drives.

52. The knowledge that my mum is there to take care of me if I'm sick or need her T.L.C for any other reason....regardless of my age.

53. Purity.

54. Seeing and listening to a good, passionate, handclapping gospel choir of amazing voices.

55. Watching the All Blacks perform a haka before a match. Watching the faces of the opposing team in response trying not to shit themselves.

56. The way kids tell it 'how it is'. Not much comes out of their mouths edited for others easy conspumption.

57. The wonder of children. The 'newness' of everything to them, yet the juxtaposing organic wisdom they also possess.

58. Singing along to Jeff Buckley's 'Last Goodbye' out of tune and Josh turning up the tv to drown me out.

Causing me to sing LOUDER.

59. Finding old diaries/letters/scraps of paper with random poetry/thoughts of mine and sitting down and reading them.

60. That feeling of release when I cry.

61. Yawning.

62. The fact that even thinking about yawning produces one.

63. Invisibility.

64. Reading an interesting blog ( and mine isnt one of em. I'm positive that maybe only 4 people read this and they're family members and friends.)

65. Graffiti that makes me go " Wow, great point! Y'know I never thought of it that way...."

66. The smell of petrol.

67. Watching my cat zoom around the apartment and leap into the air, either playing with her ball or her imaginary friends she hasnt yet introduced us to.

68. Also, witnessing the domestics she has with her scratching post.
They get into some serious arguements.
She has to take off into another room for alone time, ending it 20 seconds later by zooming back into the room and pouncing on it all " I missed youuuuuu.I'm sowwwwy !" like.

69. This number. Naughty,naughty.

70. Cute firemen in their uniforms. Hummina Hummina.

71. Sensing my nana near and feeling she is watching over me.

72. Hanging out with my sisters and mum.

73. Having my apartment sparkly clean and smelling yummy due to incense or candle.

74. Hanging out in bookstores.

75. Philosophy.

76. Sitting on a beach and watching a sunrise or sunset. The way the scent of the ocean clears my mind of worries, fears and doubts and opens up to answers, ideas and a calmer sense of being.

77. Revisiting favourite childhood books. The Narnia Chronicles, The Magic Faraway Tree, The Water Babies, Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, The name a few.

I just realized a lot of this list are book themed. Moving on...

78. Dancing.

79. Sweet closure on past painful events. Moving on knowing that I've grown from it and that things always happen for a reason.

80. Fiestas, street festivals.

81. Water slides.

82. Seeing wedding parties out getting their photos taken before they head to their reception. Searching for the bride to check out her dress.

83. Accomplishing goals.

I always dreamt ( but never seriously thought I'd do it ) that I'd travel. New Orleans was always one of those spots I fantasized about exploring. I am living this dream right now, albeit poor as a mule on a mountainside. In debt up the wazoo at the mo but is it worth it? Affirmative.
It took a certain amount of " Stop thinking 'One Day I will...." and get off your ass and do it right now'..."
Next stop: going back to school and getting a degree/diploma etc.

84. Vegemite toast and crumpets. Apply butter, wait a moment while it melts into said crumpet/piece of toast, spread vegemite on until its all melty itself, eat. Aussie in her happy place.

85. Mexican food. Italian food.

86. Knocking off work on a Friday.

87. Wandering around a marketplace with money to burn. St Kilda Foreshore Market on a sunny, beautiful Sunday is a fave one. Walking along the Upper Esplanade, checking out all the wonderful, original items for sale and enjoying the view of St Kilda beach, then going for coffee down Acland Street. Ahhhh I miss that.

88. Feeling loved.

89. Brightening up someones day. Even if its something as simple as smiling at a stranger who, unbenownst to me, has been having a shitty day up until then.

90. Beautiful, unique jewellery.
Simple, delicate and elegant silver/platinum/white gold or funky, one of a kind, symbolic pieces are me. I dont wear a lot of jewellery but, when I do, I do it in a K.I.S.S ( keep it simple schweetheart ) kinda style.

91. Double Hit popcorn from Kernels

92. Pickled onions. Not the sweet ones, the big fat vinegary ones.

93. Eating fruit that isnt overly ripe (is still pretty firm to the touch) and tangy. Mangoes, blackberries, plums ( mmmmm Blood plums), pineapples, peaches etc. Cutting up a lemon and eating it as is or drinking freshly squeezed straight lemon juice is also goooooooooood.

94. Tropical climates.

95. Candles.

96. Knee high, zip up black boots with platform heels.
I cant wear heels that make my feet arch.

97. Having long nails and getting them all frenchy manicured. Frenchy pedicures too.

98. Perfume: Angel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Strawberry Oil ( from The Body Shop).
Theres a lot of perfumes I like but these are my sig scents.

99. Being afforded another day.

100. Finding more things to add to this list.

I cant believe you've actually read right down to here.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Cool shit, eh, haha !

We need to start trafficking crumpets, I be thinkin...