Thursday, July 14, 2005

Carrying Light In Darkness.

When someone close to you dies so suddenly and tragically at a young age, not only are you faced with the loss of someone you face the fragility of life.
This fragility is what makes us beautiful.

Death has its beauty too, in that it is the cleansing release of the soul into a plane where one becomes everything again, not just a soul struggling in a limited mortal body. There are no lies in death.

I know that it was his time to leave , that questions will not bring answers because there is something bigger going on that humans will never quite understand. But, oh , to bring some understanding to his parents and siblings, to everyone who loves him...just to bring some comfort to their hearts, burning with heartbreak and grief which is engulfing them now.

I know he is in a beautiful place now. It's the ones who are left behind that face this long, dark night of sorrow and "why's".

Life takes a moment to create, 9 months to nurture into the world...but it takes mere seconds to be blinked out.
A breeze blows somewhere in the world and someones flickering flame is extinguished.
Making the world a little darker for those who surround them.
I guess that is why I light candles for people who I have known, when they pass over. The candle is my way of lighting an eternal light inside of me for them. A way of honoring them by promising to carry their flame for them until I myself pass on.
Someone you spoke to just yesterday could be gone today.
You could be gone tomorrow.
So live today as if it's all that you have. Tell your loved ones all the truths in your heart. Be true to yourself and don't ever live a carbon copy existence.
You were put on this earth for a reason. Your heart of hearts knows what it is.
Maybe one of the best things you can ever do is turn off surrounding noise and listen to that quiet little voice until you learn what it is.

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