( if so , forgive me *wink* .. I am too lazy right now to check ....)
I took this photo of a window , a few months back.
I was actually meaning to shoot the billboards which sit underneath this window ....
But , whilst I was setting up the shot , the sun peeked through the clouds all of a sudden , and smiled its bright smile at me.....
Bouncing its reflection apon the window glass , it captured the spotlight ..
( 'Scuse the tiny pun in that ? ) ...
I am still so new to photography that all I could do was point and shoot and pray that the reflection would turn out as beautiful , on film , as what I was seeing with my naked eyes....
Yep , using it as the current desktop....I like it amongst the black background as it seems as if one is in a dark room , this window serving as the only window to the world outside ...
I have so many images that have been scanned into my computer which I havent even touched yet ....
I must do that soon .. AND find a gallery space on the net that I can upload all my images too ......
Thank you ! :)
Its funny , because I just mentioned to someone about 20 minutes ago that I think only a handful of people are aware of , and read , my blog ..and they're people I know personally ....
...and then someone I DONT know posts a comment *smile*
Thank ya girly !
Thinkin of enlargin it and setting it up on some black matting to replicate the same effect as the desktop :)
And yeah , I was surprised that anyone else reads this besides my ppls , heh.
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