Monday, November 29, 2010

Walkin On Down The Road...

Yup, I'm a-movin', I'm walkin' here these days...

See ya there :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

She's 3...

My first baby, who made me a mama, is half an hour into her third birthday and is sleeping (for the moment) peacefully.

It's only been 3 years? It feels like she's been around forever but, at the same time, it feels like only a few months ago I was walking down that pier, arm in arm with my mother and my mother-in-law, in labour.

Wow, what a journey it's been so far!

Hippo birdy to my heart, my girl, to the one who makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes (ok, most times these days *wink*) but then makes my heart burst as soon as she smiles and runs to me giggling, expertly spinning her body around backwards a split second before she lands in my arms.

You are everything my darling, ev-er-y-thing to your mama, don'tyouforgetthat. I.Love.You.With.All.Of.My.Heart xoxoxoxox

P.S I have more to write. Oh, so much more. But it is late and I need to go to bed so I have energy for your day later today. I will tell you more babygirl.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oh Hi...

Here I am, after wandering the real world (or something like it) for the past couple of years (almost)...

Miss me?

There's been a few changes around here. Maya's 2 year birthday has come and gone, we went to Canada for a visit. We bought this souvenir back with us...

Her name: Samara Jane Florence

I think she's exquisite.

