Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Been Way Too Long

...and I've had so many thoughts lately where I have said to myself:

"I must blog that..."

Same as when Maya does something, babbles something, or just grows up too fast everyday and I remind myself to write about it in her baby book...

But then I get distracted and don't...and feel guilty afterwards.

Just under 7 weeks until I'm a Missus. So strange to think that I'll be one of those...'married people'.

As long as I don't have to act like an adult ;).

Seriously, the wedding is coming up so fast and I've had a couple of moments where I have felt nervous. I've imagined it in my mind and thought of so many things to create or do to make it a cool, unique, beautiful wedding and then I realize how close the day is to being here and a little butterfly in the belly goes a-flutter!

Maya. She is growing up so fast. Even now I want to bottle her and keep her my baby forever.

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