Thursday, December 29, 2005

Photography Wish-List

Was pondering on our trip to Europe this March and how to beef up the equipment so that I can make the most of the photographic ops whilst we're there.

So I'm makin myself a little backup list of supplies to get instead of not having a Nikon D70/D50 to play with...( which would be awesome but oh well, shit happens ).

* Let's start with the obvious- lots of color ( Velvia ) and b&w film ( Tri-Max 400 or Ilford )

* A Holga camera.

* A cheapo tripod ( I have one at home that I SHOULD have bought with me to Toronto )

* Circular polarizer

* Filters : Blue, didymium, red, green and orange, moonlight blue ( Hoya range ), Neutral density filters ( list goes on, I'll be happy with one or three of those ).

* A flash

* Cable release

Hmmmm, that list adds up, then add the cost to process all the film afterwards and we got ourselves a doozy of a bill. Yet, if I get some awesome shots in Europe it will be worth it. Afterall, I am taking it for granted that I just may not get BACK to Europe for another shoot, should my first lot of photos turn out sub-par.

Hey, I may get to go back.... I'm not ruling that out, but I'm gonna treat this as my 'one time'.


Anonymous said...

Youre going to Europe?!
How fabulous. Im so jealous!
I cant wait to hear all about it Tina!

Tina said...

Yesshiree mam !

A week in Spain and Italy, maybe some cooking classes, definately some photo-taking and lots of relaxing loveliness.

How's Canuckia treating ya girl ?!