Monday, October 22, 2007

The 2 Month Cupcake

The 2 Month Cupcake, originally uploaded by Luminosity.

Maya is 2 months old today! Happy 2 months baby girl!

A paradox; it feels like time has whipped by so fast yet, on the other hand, it feels like she has been here so much longer then two months.

I took her out to the Pregnancy, Babies and Children Expo on the weekend just gone and Kristy came with me. I was pretty aprehensive about taking her out to it as, whenever we go out with her it always turns into a really stressful experience with Maya howling her heart out (and tearing out mine when she does it). Those times it's happened I always cross the threshold to my home with the biggest sense of relief and feeling totally wrung out with stress.

However, she surprised me and was an absolute angel that day! Bliss!

She is sleeping for long stretches again (now that I'm ignoring some peoples advice and choosing NOT to wake her up for a feed when she is trying to sleep through). She started sleeping through (from midnight to 5am) at 2 weeks of age but I was told by a nurse on the maternal help line that I would need to wake her up at, say, hour 6 from when she started her last feed.

Thing is, if the bub is healthy and peacefully sleeping...let them sleep.If they're in need of a feed they will let you know, don't worry about that.

Maya is starting to communicate with us now. She does this little fake cough sometimes when we're having one of our 'talky, smiley' sessions and cycles/kicks her legs so energetically I suspect that one of these days she'll start cycling around the room.

I'm not sure but it seems like she is trying to talk or maybe even laugh when she does that cute little fake cough.

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