Saturday, December 18, 2004

Garden State Date

First day in my place little sister moved out this morning into her new apartment.
Hot & restless , I flopped down on my energy to do anythin else ...bored ....
Thinkin ...."Cant stay here all night....."
I looked at the time. 8:30 pm.
Dragged myself up , over to the computer and looked up cinema times at Nova , in Lygon Street.
'Garden State' was on in an hours time.
Ok , thats what I can do then.
Got bag , packed water and headed out into the warm evening.
Walked the half hour to the cinemas , bought the ticket and wandered into Borders to kill 20 minutes.
God there were so many ppl out.
Unsurprisingly. I mean , it IS 'date' night.
I guess I was taking myself on a date...just because I like being so different to everyone else and all *wink*.
Besides ,my real date couldnt make it ...I sent him out to buy cigarettes and he wound up in Canada somehow.....
Silly lad...
Garden State = another movie to add to my " OH have you SEEN this movie ?! Ya GOTTA see it , its good !!! " list.

Its funny ! Its a movie about normal ppl who are so refreshingly imperfect !
Anyone could so relate to them. The movie takes all their imperfections , nuances , embarrassing moments , quirks and makes these people beautiful in their imperfection.
What struck me the most in this movie , more then any other movie I've seen , is that these people actually TALK ( as well as behave ) like normal ppl in day-to-day life.
Not talk as in 'Hollywood-scripted-always-know-just-what-to-say-and-how-to-say-it' way that we're all so used to now.
Like , for example , just awkward things that slip outta ya mouth and ya think " Oh god , what I just said sounded really stupid just now...!" or " Um ....WHY did I just say that ...?!"...
Natalie Portman's character I related to a LOT ( except two things,which I wont mention here as to not give everything away lol ).
Especially related to her in the scenes towards the end...
Oh , and the ending - I loved too .....(sorry , cant fault this movie anywhere )
It just imparted the message ( reminder ) that life is messy and funny and weird and that is what is so charming and beautiful about it. That we should stop tryin to be something we're not cease sugarcoating ourselves and others and trying to sand back the 'rough' bits ....
Because we're drowning out the music we're supposed to be dancing to...

So , yep ..gonna buy this movie on dvd when it comes out... *grin*

Afterwards I just strolled down Lygon Street , back into the balmy warm night. So many people walkin around many cars on the road. Alone ....lost in thoughts of the movie , moving , going to Canada .....feeling just a teeeeny bit lonely I guess ...because I was wishing J was with me ..missing him.
I wanted to take him down to Lygon Street ( the 'Italian ' precinct ). Just a lonnnnnng street of restaurants & cafes ....of spruikers and ice creameries etc. That whole area of Carlton is really pretty. But he was only here a week and we were running from one place to the next already so ....( maybe next time ..? )
Still deep in my thoughts , I spotted a text book on a park bench. Opened on a page , a childs handwriting scrawled over it.
Instantly I sensed it belonged to a girl ; her schoolbook. I bent down to read :

" Night (which was circled ) ____________ Nite

Baby ( this one was circled too ) ____________Babby " ...

Flicked to the next page.

" Hello dad. I have to speak quietly. Were [sic] in a house made of candy in the woods and there's a nasty woman who wont let us out " Hansel Gretel.
Hi Clark. Batman here. How's Lois and the little girl ?
Robin and I have sent over a bib and some baby cloves [sic]. Kent Lane.
Good morning , Your Majesty. I have a frog here who claims to be related to you . Could this possibly be the one you are looking for ? The Prince ?
I would like to sell a red cape , that has a hood.It has a few teeth marks on it but no where they can be seen....."

This girl has a sense of humour , at such a ripe young age lol.... I like her.
She should go far *wink*.
( As you may have already guessed , I took the book with me ).

Strolled past cafes and restaurants down quiet Grattan Street. Almost was 'ran over' by a tiny yellow remote control car. Two men were playin with it. One laughed as I paused to let it go around my foot and I looked over and smiled , continued walking.
Stopped at La Porchettas for a small pizza and ate it on the way.
The moon was my companion on my journey home tonight.
I stopped for a minute at my front wire fence whilst I ate the last few bites left of the piece of pizza , lookin up at my building. It looked like a place in a storybook .....a building beyond a wire fence , old timber stairs leading up one side with colorful lantern lights alongside it. Leading to windows with the lamplight shining behind them in my living room.... and the moon hanging in the sky between the roof and the chimney....
Wish you were here baby...

1 comment:

Tina said...

Haha .... well hey chica ya just HAD to up and move away from us Southern Hemespherians to Montuckey , didnt ya now ..! *pokes tongue out *
I reckon ya need to pack that man of yours up and git back down 'ere ... *wink*