Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Beautiful Creatures Update

Came across this article in the Herald-Sun newspaper last Sunday...its the only day of the week that I ever bother to open a newspaper.

Sunday , November 28 2004

' Two dolphins thought to have defended a group of swimmers from a shark attack have been slaughtered by fishermen.
The carcasses were found in the waters off New Zealand where , days earlier , a school of dolphins had warded off a great white shark stalking a man , his daughter and two of her friends.
The dolphin are thought to have been caught up in nets left by fishermen fishing illegally in Whangarei Harbour , on the North Islands east coast.
When the two fishermen returned to find their nets damaged they are believed to have killed the dolphins in a rage , hacking off their tails.
Wildlife officers said it was "almost certain " they were the heroic dolphins because they were found in the same area the pod has been seen daily for months.
"This is how we repay these beautiful creatures for their help " said lifeguard Rob Howes , who believes he and the three girls would have been attacked by the shrk if not for the dolphins.
"We owe our lives to these lovely mammals" he said.
"This is nothing less then indiscriminate murder. I am absolutely sickened."
Parts of New Zealand are off limits to fishermen using nets because dolphins are known to swim in the areas , but some are ready to risk a fine because those same waters are rich with fish.'

- Sunday Herald-Sun.

Pure rotten ugliness senselessly murders pure beauty ; a recurring theme that never fails to render me absolutely speechless with anger & sadness.....but , at the same time , strengthens a resolve to do something to protect our beautiful creatures from barbaric bastards....

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